Hopp til hovedinnhold

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of Innovation Norway

For the period 2024 to 2026

Ola H. Strand (chairman of the board)

Kristin Misund
Head of R&D, Borregaard

Merete Nygaard Kristiansen
CEO, Akvaplan-niva AS

Arvid Andenæs
Former CEO, Sparebanken Sogn og Fjordane (2001-2016)

Heine Østby
CEO, Fiberglass Norway AS

Kristine Falkgård
CEO, Fremtind Forsikring

Kristine Nore
CEO, Omtre AS

Liv Dingsør
CEO Digital Norway

Arvid Gusland
Lawyer and Financial advisor

Two board members are elected among the staff as employee representatives:

Tim Genge
Senior Advisor - Bergen

Mari Dorte J. Michaelsen
Senior Advisor - Ålesund

Election committee:

The members of the nomination committee consist of representatives from Innovation Norway's owners and chaired by Ingelise Arntsen.

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