Global Growth - aquaculture Canada

Aquaculture production volume in Newfoundland and Labrador is growing. The province's cold-water environment and extensive coastline are vital assets, allowing for high-quality salmon production. Salmon production was approximately 19,635 tonnes in 2021, an 80 percent increase over 2020. Atlantic salmon is the principal commercial salmonid species in Newfoundland and Labrador.
Lately, the news in Norway and Canada has highlighted some sustainability issues, which again open the possibility of providing new or proven solutions to comply with requirements and market expectations. Therefore, any relevant products and solutions within lice, fish welfare/health, diseases, escaped fish, etc. are confirmed by the business to be particularly attractive.
Who should apply
Companies with relevant products and services for the Canadian aquaculture market, which have:
- a high level of international ambition
- an export strategy rooted in the Board of Directors
- sufficientfinancialcapacity
- resources and ability to scale
Below, you will find the parts of the supply chain with great potential for the Norwegian supplier industry, considering Canadian challenges and Norwegian expertise. However, the list is not exhaustive, and therefore, Norwegian companies working within other supply chain segments can apply to participate in our program.
Fish Health
- Thérapeutes, vaccines & sea lice solutions
- Fish health services
- Environmental monitoring
- Post-smote production management
- Genetics & breeding
Data Collection and AI
- Automation
- Cell and Internet infrastructure
- Data collection & analysis
- Robotics
- Containment systems: Design, engineering & construction
- Closed, semi-closed and open containment systems
Service Vessels
- Cargo vessels
- Live & deadhauling
- Harvest vessels
- Harvesting at sea vessels
- Smolt transportation
Waste Management
- Organic & inorganicwaste management
What you get
We help your company to increase exports by making you better equipped to:
- understand opportunities and challenges in the market
- build the required competence to work effectively in the Canadian aquaculture industry
- secure key drivers for competitiveness in the Canadian market
- receive help to map potential customers, partners and stakeholders
- be introduced to stakeholder organizations in the Canadian aquaculture market, including industrial clusters, regional and regulatory authorities and salmon farmers
- pitch coaching sessions, consulting services and academic workshops on Teams
Program and timeline
Registration for this program is now closed.
- February: Interviews with applicants
- 1 March: Final decision on which companies are invited to participate
- 11 April: Kick-off workshop in Norway
Planned activities
Based on identified needs in the Newfoundland, Canada market, the program consists of a gathering in Norway, preparatory webinars, and market visits to Newfoundland, Canada, where we plan for meetings with key players in the Canadian aquaculture industry:
- Kick-off Workshop: Get to know each other and define your focus areas, needs and expectations. Introduction to the Canadian aquaculture market and business culture. The workshop will be organized on 11 April. Physical location (TBD).
- Seminars & digital engagement (digital): Innovation Norway will host two seminars digitally to prepare you for your market visits. Pitch training will be offered to help you tailor your sales messaging for an international audience.
- 1st Market visit to Newfoundland, Canada: Traveling together as a delegation, participants will be introduced to the market and meet a variety of essential stakeholders on 3-6 June
- 2nd Market visit to Newfoundland, Canada: Attendance of the Cold Harvest trade show and targeted meetings with relevant stakeholders in Newfoundland, Canada. The market visit will be arranged on 7-10 October
- Final workshop (digital): follow-up after market visit and evaluation of the program and way forward. The workshop will be arranged in November (TBD).
- 1:1 consulting support – a limited number of hours of consulting services provided by Innovation Norway Canada or its consultants, subject to the individual companies' needs/requests.
Please note that the schedule for the different activities may change.
Booth space at the Cold Harvest trade show may be available through Innovation Norway for an additional affordable fee.
Participation fee
- SMEs: 30 000 NOK
- Large corporations: 60 000 NOK
In addition, the participating companies must cover their travel expenses.
Contact persons
Caleb Chapman, Senior Advisor in Canada, +1 647 234 2673,
Martin Olsen, Advisor Internationalisation,+47 48 60 55 40,
Stein Oddvar Sægrov, Trade Council in Canada+1 613 799 0213,
Rita Brokstad, Special Advisor, 47 90 53 22 87,