Green shipping in China

The initiative is part of Innovation Norway’s High Potential Opportunities (HPO) programme for major export initiatives. The aim is to position Norwegian suppliers in the Chinese maritime market. The goal is to make Norwegian enterprises preferred partners and contractors on specific projects.
Major projects
Norwegian enterprises have opportunities to win major contracts as China aims to become carbon neutral, including in the following areas:
- Maritime use of batteries and primarily battery powered ferries in Hong Kong and Guangdong Province. Based on the various reports that are available, it is estimated that more than 17,000 ferries and passenger vessels operate in Chinese ports and on Chinese rivers.
- Special vessels for constructing and operating offshore wind farms. Up to 4,000 new wind turbines will be established and a total of 7,000 wind turbines will have to be operated in a few years’ time.
China is the largest emitter of greenhouse gases in the world, although the country is focusing on a massive green shift. China has set itself the target of becoming carbon neutral by 2060.
The export initiative is particularly focusing on the Chinese domestic market in coastal regions and inland waterways, which form the world’s largest maritime transport system. There are also huge market opportunities in the traditional market where Norwegian suppliers could mainly focus on vessels that are built in China for operation outside the country.
The goal is to win contracts worth NOK 2 billion in the next few years.
Norwegian solutions
The Norwegian maritime industry is well positioned to export products and services to China. This is true for the entire value chain, including shipowners, shipyards, subcontractors and energy companies. The industry has, for many years, been a leader in developing solutions that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, partly due to its strong domestic market.
The most prominent Norwegian actors involved in the project in China are Ulstein, Brødrene Aa and Kongsberg Maritime and their subcontractors, as well as Jotun (painting and cleaning of vessels).
The project for exporting green shipping technology to China will run for six years (2021-2027).
Team Norway
HPO projects bring together Norway’s entire business support system and other members of Team Norway. Norwegian enterprises receive help from Innovation Norway’s regional and international offices, embassies, Export Finance Norway, NORWEP, chambers of commerce and other partners as needed.
Team Norway is also supporting this initiative through the Norwegian Embassy in Beijing, The Consul General in Shanghai and Guangzhou, the Norwegian Business Association in China, Export Finance Norway and Innovation Norway. The Norwegian clusters NCE Maritime CleanTech and GCE Blue Maritime are also involved. So are Innovation Norway’s regional offices in Møre and Romsdal, Vestland, as well as industry experts at head office.
The project manager is, +47 992 87 311