Job opportunities

The results are shown in the Career Barometer, where mercantile students have answered who are the most attractive employers for them. Ever since the first implementation of the barometer in 2012, Innovation Norway has been high on the lists, and we have topped it five years in a row!
The Career Barometer surveys career choices, employers, industries and trainee programmes, and is carried out by Evidente and
Public sector more attractive
An annual survey by Universum amongst employees with a degree in economics also shows topnotch results. Innovation Norway is an attractive employer.
- Such results confirms that we have every opportunity to continue building a good Innovation Norway team going forward. It is gratifying both for our employees and our customers, exults Charlotte Renshusløkken, HR director at Innovation Norway.
The latest survey shows that public actors are more attractive workplaces than before.
A friendly working environment
- Attracting and retaining talented employees is crucial for Innovation Norway to develop as an organisation and to be able to deliver on its important social assignment, says Renshusløkken.
A friendly working environment, competitive salary, variety in tasks and managers who support their development are highlighted as the most important factors when economics graduates choose a place to work.
Corporate social responsibility and work with equality are also reported as more and more important by the respondents in the survey.
Read more about how we work with diversity, equality and inclusion in Innovation Norway.