Nine million for exciting environmental technology projects in China

China’s pledge to peak its emissions by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060 creates opportunities for environmental solutions. Advanced and innovative environmental technologies will be in high demand for China’s green transition.
The cooperation between Jiangsu S&T and Innovation Norway includes an application process where Innovation Norway finances the Norwegian companies through the Environmental Technology Scheme, and Jiangsu S&T finances the Chinese partner.
The Quartz Corp
Out of a number of applications, four joint projects were provided funding this year, including The Quartz Corp AS:
- China is already a big market for TQC, and is fast-paced, competitive and quick to develop new technology cycles. The Norway-China Greentech co-funding enables us time and resources for the development and to position ourselves for the next technology cycle. We are excited to get started, says Benny Hallam, VP Commercial, Marketing and R&D of The Quartz Corp.
TQC received a grant of 1.7 MNOK from the Environmental Technology Scheme to develop the next generation of solar crucibles, using high purity quartz sand from TQC’s new ultrahigh purity processing line in Drag.
Another project, owned by DOSCON, brings innovation to water and wastewater treatment plants. The company already provides solutions for Chinese wastewater treatment plants. The upcoming project received 1.9 MNOK funding towards development of water quality monitory system for the client, and possibly DOSCON’s new product line DOSMON- a comprehensive, maintenance-free, water quality monitoring system.
- We were happy to join the Innovation Norway-Jiangsu collaboration, because it reduces the time for establishment of collaborations from years to months. Reference projects are crucial for marketing success, especially when we are developing a new product. We are very glad to receive a grant from the 3rd round. We are confident that this will be a start of a long-term collaboration for DOSCON, says Harsha Ratnaweera, CEO of Doscon.
A third project from this round of funding was provided to WindSim. The company received 3.6 MNOK for a joint R&D project with a prominent Chinese partner in Jiangsu. The company from Tønsberg delivers CFD based software to assure the best possible quality of wind field simulations. To further explore the market potential in China, WindSim participates in Global Growth China Greentech 2021 Program.
- We are excited about this opportunity, which seems to be well aligned with our plans in China, both with respect to timing and also location wise, says Arne Gravdahl, CTO of WindSim.
Innovation Norway and Jiangsu S&T will continue the Environmental Technology collaboration. We encourage companies wishing to establish contacts and cooperation with companies in Jiangsu to contact at the Innovation Norway China office.