High Potential Opportunities (HPO)

What is an HPO project?
An HPO project is a multi-year (4-6 years) export campaign using Team Norway’s toolbox to assist a group of Norwegian companies in winning international contracts.
A market demand corresponding to a Norwegian offering must have been identified. The opportunities that have been identified should correspond to a contract value of minimum 500 MNOK that can realistically be won by the Norwegian companies in the course of the project period.
Proposals for projects with high potential for Norwegian business and industry may come from all relevant actors, for instance Innovation Norway’s offices abroad or regional offices, partners in Team Norway, or the industry themselves.
Criteria for HPO
The following criteria must be met in order for a new HPO project to be approved:
1. Norwegian companies must win commercial contracts. Market opportunities, customers and timelines must be identified.
2. The Norwegian part of the identified contract value shall be at least 500 million NOK and awarded within a period of 6 years.
3. There should be a realistic possibility that the Norwegian companies can win the contracts.
4. The companies must commit to investing in the specific market opportunities and cooperate with Team Norway.
5. Team Norway will add value to the project.